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Logistics Business For Sale in Bay Area, CA (Listing ID: 3648)

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Bay Area Trucking Company

Currently, the business handles logistics, shipping, and warehousing out of the Bay Area port in California. The company owns over 50 trucks with 90% of the fleet being 2020 models or newer.

The company operates out of 2 locations. The first location is the warehouse, it is a 28,000 Sqft building plus office space and is leased by the company. The second location is the trucking yard where trucks are parked and serviced. The property is 4 acres and is owned by the company and is available for purchase.

Key Points:

- Sales are strong due to the reputation built over the past 13 years; the freight recession did not impact the company's ability to source work.

- Highly regarded among the logistics industry in Northern California coupled with employee loyalty and retention, 4-5 years on average.

- The company's internal repair shop/mechanic saves 30-40% off repair and maintenance costs.

- Number of Employees:
Full-Time: 60
Part-Time: 3
Independent Contractors: 8

- Gross Revenue:

- Adjusted EBITDA:

- Real Estate available for purchase or lease.

-The Sellers are open to a variety of exit strategies and deal structures.

$1 USD

Bay Area, CA Logistics Business For Sale Details


Legal Body:

Limited Liability Partnership

Established In:


Gross Revenue:

$ 15,680,453

Annual Earnings:

$ 1,653,800

Land/Building Included:


% of Business Selling:


Reason for Sale:


Financing Available:


Buyer does not need to have experience owning & operating a business or franchise.

Buyer does not need specific industry experience.

*DISCLAIMER: BuyAndSellABusiness.com assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information shown.